A walk I would like to do again

Last summer with my boyfriend we made a very special trip to the south of Chile, we toured many beautiful places but what we loved was the Conguillio National Park, which is located in the province of Cautín in the Araucanía Region. It is one of the great attractions of the area, has a variety of lakes and lagoons, a privileged view of the Llaima volcano, a lot of native vegetation and several trails to go. With my partner we made several routes of the place, but the one that we liked the most was the path "Los Carpinteros" which is of low difficulty and covers about 6 km one way with a duration of about 2 and a half hours, starts at the information center from the park and through millenary forests of Araucarias, Lengas and Coigües to the Captren lagoon. On the way we meet woodpeckers and other bird species. In addition this forest is home to the Araucaria Madre, an araucaria of more than a thousand years and 2 meters in diameter that is located next to the road. To return you can take the same path back or return by the road of cars. Without a doubt it was a fantastic experience and I would not hesitate to repeat it because I knew a magical place and I learned a lot.


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