An Artist

The artist I admire is well known, his name is Michael Joseph Jackson, better known as the King of Pop. He was a US singer, songwriter, record producer, dancer, actor and philanthropist. I remember that the first time I heard Michael was when I was very young, I was about six years old and I remember that every morning my father would pick us up to go to school with the album "Number Ones" where all the great hits of the singer were. He mainly dedicates himself to singing, dancing and composing, he began his artistic career in the decade of the 60´s in the musical group "The Jackson Five" composed by his group of brothers, then in the decade of the 70 began his career as a soloist but still being part of the group. In 1980 he became an important figure in popular music and this continued the rest of his life until the day of his death. What I like the most about Michael, besides his music, is that he is a very complete artist who generated an important transformation in music, he set many trends in musical style, in dance and even change the way of making music videos. I really believe that he is a very important artist in many subjects and that he will remain a legend forever. 


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